this morning on the way in we had 66 °F dry bulb, 64 °F dew point, and “calm” winds. it was mellow-reeny, macvouty. this was my first commute with the new gear ratio, 44:17 versus 45:20. that’s 70 gear-inches versus the 61 i was turning previously, a 15% increase. it was noticeable on the flats and descents (such as they are), but didn't really kill me on the climbs (such as they are). i will notice more on the way home, getting up to the robin hills of vesper heights. what was also noticeable was the total quietude of this 1/8" drive train, thanks to my total mastery of the redish-respace process, and my totally excellent chainline that totally resulted from what i, like, did. totally. of course there is still no lockring so i can't show off my total skid prowess yet; that will have to wait for the new spindle, and the creative removal of the extra cog spacer, and the fiddling and the tightening and the tensioning and the micro-fine adjustments to the ahh...
well yes anyway it was a nice ride, despite the occasional rude boy and his noisy toy.
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