whole lotta pavement marking going on

over the past few days a number of crews have come around marking the pavement in front of the house. by now it appears they have gotten everything, including a 30-inch raw water line i didn't know was down there (thought it was over on ponoma, but apparently that's just the newer one). the detail is almost excessive.

so what i think is happening is that the purchasers of the house across the street, taking note of the age of construction and the history of the neighborhood in general, have determined that the service lateral is almost certainly the dreaded orangeburg, and that it is only a little less certain that it will collapse within the next couple of years, and that rather than end up with several inches of their own sewage in their basement, they will have it replaced now, before they have moved in. because we all know what a drag it is to have to get an excavator to come out in february and do it, while you are unable to flush your toilets and have to spit out your toothpaste into the backyard.
i can't think of any other good reason to tear up a perfectly nice residential street. and i'm grateful for the older, high-quality well-built raw water main under our street, unlike that other backup line they put under pomona a few years back that keeps popping seals and making holes and bulges in the pavement and has silty water pouring down the street and into the storm drain inlets. i tell you they don't build pressure lines like they used to.