black tears for michigan

i've lived here all my life, and i believe that wherever i travel, this will always be my home. but it troubles me, to say the least, that the people of michigan have such a difficult time distinguishing their state's constitution from a roll of toilet tissue. two years ago it was gay marriage, a non-threat if there ever was one. now, the people are claiming that all of this racially-corellated social stratification that you see, with the ghettos and the test scores and the murder/imprisonment rates and so on, well that doesn't really exist any more. we have achieved the american dream, and only a few years behind the great state of california. so let's give it all back to the white males before things change too much, before we get completely off track.
civil rights initiative my ass. the southern states wanted to secede from the union because they felt so strongly about aristocracy and entitlement. they should have just waited for the 21st century.
part of me wants to be astonished that a group of voters could be so inept and confused over complex social issues, but be so clear-minded over the matter of shooting doves. but that is probably what we all deserve. how hard is it to decide whether you want to shoot mourning doves? hand me the gun and watch what i do with it. it's easy. but affirmative action programs? well, we would actually have to talk about that first.
anyway. i am embarrased, and saddened.
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