the trick is to keep breathing
there is a likelihood of thundershowers for my a2-to-midland epic tomorrow. that could be interesting.
yesterdayon the way home i heard the distinctive sound of a spoke breaking on my rear wheel. i was fresh out of replacements so i went to the bike shop and got some more. before going i extracted an unbroken one to help the shop guy get the right length, so i ended up putting in two new ones. i think that's five total on this wheel. at this rate, in five years i will have replaced them all. i also tried to get a spacer off the hub, using windshield washer fluid as a solvent (methanol, you know). but i couldn't get it to budge. so i am still going around with no bb-lockring on the rear hub, and braking more and skidding less. it's somewhat uncool but it will have to do for now. the proper solution, i think, is to rebuild the rear wheel with a track hub. that conflicts, however, with my principle of keeping the town bike "on the cheap" as they say. really what i need to do is get to the velodrome regularly, and avoid all pretense of anything else.
sincerely diana
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