this morning it was dry...
oh yeah. so i fixed my rear wheel last night, put three new spokes on there, got it pretty well trued up and all. was riding in and, along state street, this guy pulled his piece a shit van over, backed up a little, and tossed what i think was a huge ring of keys across the street to his buddy, missing my face by...well, enough, but it still scared the shit out of me. so i yelled at him, and then
he got mad at me (emphasis added). i didn't stop, didn't even consider stopping, just kept going, and about a minute later he is honking is horn and cussing me as he turns onto mckinley and drives away to who cares where. i think what may have actually happened is that i hurt is feelings when i called him a bad name, and like a typical male he got angry instead of talking to me about how he felt. but i wasn't mad at him! i was just glad he didn't hit me full in the face with whatever that dad-blamed jingling hunk of whatever it was he threw out his window.
for this, i am fixing my wheel into the hours of the night? it's funny because it's true.
now i am getting all undecided about building another wheel now. after a chat down to the local bike shop i got the feeling that my efforts would be kinda wasted if i tried to build up a decent wheel around that craptastic suzue steel "track" hub, so i figured i could get like a suzue basic hub or something, which upped the price a little. then i threw in spokes and nipples and a lockring and tracknuts and i was at $110, with a bunch of parts and no wheel yet. then, while shopping around harris cycles (on the web), i discovered that for just $125 they could build me a wheel around the suzue basic and a mavic ma3 (lockring and tracknuts still extra). so really, it worked out to around $25 for these guys to build the wheel. that seems like a great deal, but i still want the experience of building one on my own. i guess the wise choice would be to spend the dough on a good wheel, and then experiment on my own with other stuff. that way i could be (reasonably) assured of having a decent bike even if my wheel turned out kinda bogus.
well, just typing this here has almost convinced me. but i haven't pulled the trigger yet.