bug goes crunch: the boussinesq assumption

bug goes crunch

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

the boussinesq assumption

last night it rained.

now it is getting pretty outside; fall has settled in. osage oranges are appearing on my morning commute; there's a stand of them on state across from the produce station.

lately i've been totally wrapped up in an EFDC model of the ottawa river, a segment of it actually, the “stickney avenue depositional zone” as it is known. so wrapped up in EFDC and matlab, for postprocessing and visualizations, and wrapped a little in fortran for tweaks to my particle tracking model, and then wrapped again in matlab for animations of the output from that model. lots of computational efforts here - just wait until i get started on that model of the saginaw...

yuh saw it here peoples...


  • Hi. I'am also an EFDC user. How do I use MATLAB to postprocess the results?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:11 AM  

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