epistrophy (not)

fall is here. is today john coltrane's birthday? i think so. this morning's ride in was a delight: 57 °F, 54 °C dew point, and a brisk wind from the north at 13 mph. just the thing when heading south on state street, eh? i was a' flyin', i was. and nice thunderstorms last night, lotsa cracklin' an' kablammin' an' all that. i been savin' up m' 'postrophes, jus' for this moment. now i'm layin' 'em on y'. here y' go...
well, sorry. i'm unable to use apostrophes unless they are actually required. so take your plurals and your possesive pronouns and shove them up your asshole, along with those apostrophes you always put in there, where they do not belong.
yeah you!
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