ice ice baby

yeah the cold weather is suddenly, completely here. just over 20 °F this morning (down here by the airport); i went straight for the tights and neoprene booties this morning, no hesitation. balaclava with regular helmet, however; saving the ski helmet and goggles for sub-20s. the 15 mph south wind was a little odd, though. usually i associate southern winds with warmth, but this morning it just slowed me down, way down. if it keeps blowing this way, however, the ride home will be a treat.
of course, any ride is a treat these days, especially with that excellent new rear wheel (thanks again to steve of great lakes cycling). i makes me realize, unfortunately, that my front wheel is ass. i should probably just bite the bullet and get a matching front made up, plus a pair of nokians as long as i'm spending money.
i really want to write an account of that trip, now two weeks distant, to algonquin. but that would require some time that i just don't have today, what with these big piles of work, and these friday morning urgent needs for technical justifications for cutting off the model domain of our lake lanier model at bla bla bla (the durn thing has 2883 cells in the horizontal already, not to mention at least 23 layers) but anyway i will leave y'all with a picture of maggie lake, so just try to imagine the overall quiet of the area, except the occasional gurgle of the wavelets breaking on the rock beneath your feet...

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