warmin' up a riff

okay i elected not to ride my bicycle this morning, in the six inches of fresh snow. it really didn't look all that bad, but i had concerns about my well-being along the last mile or so of south state, where the road is narrow and the drivers are anxious about getting to the office before the good doughnuts have been eaten. i could have done it, and probably would have survived. but i have nothing to prove, really, not even to myself, at least about my ruggedness. i never tire, on the other hand, of proving something to myself about my common sense. if there is someone out there who thinks i'm not sufficiently core because i drove my car this morning, well let that person come right down front and show everybody his or her genitals. last night i took a spin around the neighborhood while the stuff was a-comin' down and it was fun; i should like to try that again, this evening, when i am "at play" as they say.
but no play for crunchy now.
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