yesterday i got so old

well today was mostly a programming day at work. tweaking a linkage between SWMM and EFDC, trying to do a better job of distinguishing between wet and dry weather flows from tributaries, so that the proper bacteria concentrations can be applied. it is trickier than it sounds, in part because of the range of absolute flows, and being able to say just how much of a relative change to you have to see before you can say, for certain, that a wet weather event has begun (or, more importantly, ended). so i will get that licked eventually.
we have been having an unspeakably gorgeous spring and there is nothing i want to do more than go ride. i will get to do just that, soon, although it will be along traffic-choked state street, for a while at least. but back in the robin hills of vesper heights, all is beautiful.
coming back from delivering motor meals today a coworker and i spotted a great blue heron in the pond out front. pretty hard to miss, actually; he was a big'n. we tried to get a photo but he was too shy, or possibly perturbed at the canada geese over on the other side ofthe pond, to whom i would do considerable violence if it were permitted, as i do not care much for canada geese (don't even get me started on swans). anyway i am very much on the lookout for the big waders; stay tuned.
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