the south wind thing

blowing in my face again. that was okay yesterday evening, made the ride home easy. what will eventually happen is this circulating business will pass to the east, and the wind will turn (that is, we will be experiencing the other side of its anticlockwise rotation) and that will be that. at least until the next circulating business arrives.
and i knew it was going to rain today but i overhauled the drive train last anyway. overhauled it good, too: repacking and adjusting the bottom bracket, cleaning and lubricating the chain not with that cat-vomit-smelling phil wood tenacious oil but with the good triflow (which i guess as long as i am mentioning product odor i should say has that sweet, butyl acetate aroma not unlike nail polish - mmmm!), so it is all clean and shiny and glints back up at me when i glance down as i am riding in today. the rain had stopped falling for the time being, only the occasional puddle and a general profusion of earthworms to remind me that it had rained, and the general smell was of earth and worms and the random whiff of automobile exhaust but all told the strong impression of spring was made, easter being around the corner as it were and the forsythia seeming to have bloomed in the night, if such a thing is possible, and the lawns greening furiously, having sent up a few tentative blades in the previous weeks but now taking notice of the sudden warmth and saying "okay boys here's our chance let's get to it" and the lawns greening and thickening at a furious pace now, so that the lawn mower itself is beginning to feel rumblings of significance again.
i may actually have to mow the lawn before i can get back to the vélodrome again. so it goes...
you had a birthday. i sincerely hope it was a happy one~
Josh, at 9:16 AM
thanks. actually i am happy just to wake up every day, but yesterday was good. i had a lengthy chat with my favorite local wheel-builder, who is going to build a pair of tubular wheels for me that will be gorgeous and life-affirming. it's been 30 years since i've ridden on tubs, which is too long i think.
cicadashell, at 9:37 AM
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