i'm always free to walk

i'm feeling good riding the white bike: getting used to the monster bars, liking that old avocet saddle i put on, thinking long and strong about getting a pair of 700×25 gatorskins for added comfort and security (the 20 mm contintental grand prix 3000s are getting a little smooth, and always were rather bone-jarring). but relentless chuckhole pounding, and the dirt and grit and slop asssociated with real, honest-to-goodness weather, are taking their toll and requiring more maintenance than i have tme for. so i need to get back on the follis, and enjoy the abuse. the boy looks good riding it (see pic) but when the rain hits, i want to be on the clunker; let him ride his new singlespeed mountain bike (which he has yet to purchase).

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