bug goes crunch: i'm always free to walk

bug goes crunch

Thursday, May 18, 2006

i'm always free to walk

may is bicycle commuter month. or, from my perspective, may is ride on and off the sidewalk, at random, through red lights and stop signs with no helmet and your ponytail flapping and saddlebags bouncing and not really looking where you're going, much, except every so often a glance to the left or right, depending on your mood, month. i mean, i'm all for more cyclists, but why do they have to be so goddamit careless? someone is going to get hurt, and there will be much hand-wringing, and then nobody will learn anything and i'll still be riding to work. *sighs*

i'm feeling good riding the white bike: getting used to the monster bars, liking that old avocet saddle i put on, thinking long and strong about getting a pair of 700×25 gatorskins for added comfort and security (the 20 mm contintental grand prix 3000s are getting a little smooth, and always were rather bone-jarring). but relentless chuckhole pounding, and the dirt and grit and slop asssociated with real, honest-to-goodness weather, are taking their toll and requiring more maintenance than i have tme for. so i need to get back on the follis, and enjoy the abuse. the boy looks good riding it (see pic) but when the rain hits, i want to be on the clunker; let him ride his new singlespeed mountain bike (which he has yet to purchase).



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