she goes to the mirror to put on her stuff

sometime last week the catalpa trees started blooming, so it must be summer. there is a stretch of newport road, after you descend the big hill, that is lined with catalpa trees, a couple dozen of them. and when you ride through that stretch around this time of year (better in a week or two) the flowers are dropping all around you like big, wet snowflakes. it is one of those times when you wonder how it was that we got so lucky, to become humans here, of all places.
too freaking goldurnit busy these weeks, trying to get these st. louis waterways models running, so much back and forth with the hydrodynamics and the eutro linkage and the CSO loads and all that. confusing, fascinating, irritating by turns, but it will be good to finish; i will have learned some things.
we are getting excited about bikefest this friday. although it is to some extent the typical ann arbor cornball stuff, it promises to be fun because the bike shop where the older son works is going to go all out with freeride demos on this ramp they built (and the city paid for! my tax dollars at work, finally). so it will be fun to be a bikin' idiot downtown and watch my progeny take on all comers in the trackstand competition and just generally hang out. naturally it is scheduled for the first night of the dick walden vélodrome's incredible three-day madison tournament; but since when did anybody in the city of ann arbor pay attention to anything happening in oakland county? or maybe there was a (gasp!) lack of communication. anyway i'm sorry i won't be able to get to the track for any of that, due to leaving for the florida vacation early on sunday and all. but anyway, can't do everything.
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