thanks to the miracle of flickr,
the free project is up and running. now i simply need more photos. what i think is attractive about this is the structure, in which two collections of objects, which are random and unique (asserted but not proven), are mapped to each uniquely as well. one collection is, of course, the various pieces of crap everybody is trying to get rid of. the other collection is the hand-lettered signs saying "free"; perhaps less random, in that they all sat the same thing. but using arbitrary materials, different pens and kinds of paper, or cardboard, and so on. anyway, it is an ongoing thing that i've wanted to do for a long time, since way before digital cameras and the internet and all that.
what might be cool is to get photos of free stuff from other people too. hint hint.
so the weather forecast for this weekend's MS-150 ride has settled into considerable sunshine and highs in the low 90s.
wish me luck!<*).(*><*).(*><*).(*><*).(*><*).(*><*).(*><*).(*><*).(*>
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