i'm looking at ghosts and empties
the LTCP-EZ workshop stuff basically got pulled out from under me. the transfer was not handled elegantly (i found out sort of by accident, at a time when i was already feeling as though my stock was perilously low), but given the urgency of the situation it is understandable, at least, and i don't really mind getting out of it. west virginia is kind of pretty, though.
the ECOMSED model was waiting for me, as it turned out. as was the FEQ model of another river i can't talk about; this will lead to a detailed 3D hydrodyamic and particle transport model of a turning basin in this same river, which i can't talk about either, and i hope to get involved in that as well. even though i can't talk about it.
but i can talk about the weather, and that's cool because i like to talk about the weather. it was cold this morning, barely 42 °F at the house, and the weather service claiming a temperature of 33 °F at the airport, down in the flats, and of course i ride right past the airport although by that time i am cheerfully warmed up and toasty even, in short pants when it's 33 °F out, and i can see that it's colder along state street than back at the house, because i can see the frost sometimes, even though i can't feel the difference. anyway it makes me excited for fall backpacking.
sunday it was 80 °F. it is just that time of year.
so i have been taking pictures of the reflecting pool for almost a year. the next step is to "go pro" (as they say) with flickr and get that slideshow up there. the slideshow is the key, like the free project but even more so, because the individual pictures say less than the collection as a whole does. so anyway, that's coming at some point.

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