fade to yellow in a box in an attic

weather update: wednesday 51/51; thursday 60/56; today 66/60. so it is getting warmer, and more humid. storms are on the way.
yesterday morning there was this tremendous mackerel sky as i rode in. despite all the crapola i've been putting up with (indeed, that we all put up with), i was still able to appreciate that almost perfect moment in the morning, when i first start rolling down the vesper hills and hear only the faintest crunch of grit beneath the slick tires of my otherwise-silent fixed gear bicycle, and i smell only traces of humus from the wooded slopes behind those little houses up on hockey lane. of course i am reminded of reality as i hurtle down brooks street, and when i am greeted, at miller ave., by the usual procession of automobiles, the general feeling of beauty and simplicity evaporates quite quickly.
but it is still a wonder to ride. this morning is garbage morning, however, and the truck was dripping something especially rancid along miller today. i am also beginning to see osage oranges in the usual spot on state street; not a road hazard yet, merely a sign of fall...
and it was wednesday morning, as i recall, when i went outside to grab the newspaper and was greeted, in the southeastern sky, by orion. that would have to be the most unambiguous sign that cooler weather is indeed on the way. but there will still be a few summer days yet, i can feel it. in my bones i can feel it.
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