bug goes crunch: untitled dream #4

bug goes crunch

Friday, September 09, 2005

untitled dream #4

jesus mary and joseph did i get rained on today. another one of those localized things, just the lightest mist outside the office, the sun still slanting in from the west and a brilliant, low rainbow in the eastern sky, and the rain getting progressively heavier as i headed north into town, and then waiting at the light at packard getting totallt drenched, and then the water rushing along the bike path, several inches deep, all standing waves and hydraulic jumps and all that. well, at least the lawn will get a good soaking thinks i, and as i ascended miller toward the robin hills of vesper heights the rain slackened, and after turning north on brooks i saw dry ground underneath the trees, and then 200 yards later it was bone dry, just like this morning, in fact like every morning, afternoon, evening and night for the past couple of weeks.

this is what we hydrologic modelers call "distributed" precipitation.

and me walking into the house, skin-soaked sopping wet and dripping, and the boys setting there waiting for me to get back and go to the back-to-school picnic, like nothing was wrong. rained out? what, are you kidding me?

work has been ridiculous these couple of days. what do you get when you mix the genuine urgency of the polluted floodwaters of new orleans, the formidable bureaucracy that is the u.s. epa, and the typical consultant's lust for conceptual design problems? trust me, you don't want to know.

the other day i sat down at the piano and a song popped out, one of those slightly demented but melodic post-bebop ditties i write from time to time. it has been stuck in my head, and a fruitful source of improvisatory gushing. the bridge needs a little work; i have the basic idea of reharmonizing the main melodic motif, but i have to develop it more. just as well; i get a little unnerved when they just spring out like that, sitting down and putting my hands onto the keyboard and just tapping out some suspended chords and a line on top. where do that shit come from? did i hear it in a dream?

time to dream a little dream tonight.


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