your money in a groovier way

well it was a chilly ride in this morning, finally back on the bike. about 18 °F, 6 mph wind in my face. winter has just totally hit, after that snow thursday night - flurries on and off since then, very frigid, just the slightest thawing on sunday, enough to build up a little ice on the less-traveled parts of the roads.
not much to report, wrapped up in family birthday-holiday-schoolwork-housework when i'm not wrestling with my efdc model of lake lanier, which seems to be circulating the water nicely but is not transporting the temperature in properly, at the upper boundary. so time for some fiddling and diagnostics and, probably, bounds-checking because for all i know the problem is some god-damned array out-of-bounds issue that is causing unforeseen and unpredictable wrongness, as only out-of-bounds issues can.
the crows really went to work on that deer. there is mostly just hide and bones left now.
in my neighborhood one of the last really magnificent elms is coming down. it is the second loss since we moved there in 1994; some other neighbors have gone to considerable expense to save theirs, which is appreciated. but even a healthy tree has to go sometime.


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