my technique is very necessary

fair is the sky, lightly damp the breeze. what better reason do i need? winter far from over, don't forget it, got to get some skiing in yet, but riding the bike, times like these, oh yes, thank you and please.
so we were having trouble reproducing thermal stratification in the lake lanier model, using efdc, and i put together a simple square basin (i call it the "skillet" model) to run some diagnostics, trying to cancel out complicated bathymetric and atmospheric effects and just see what was happening. initialize it stratified, with a nice, sharp thermocline, and then introduce some flow and/or wind and see what happens. well, what happened? putting warm water into the top layer, same temperature as the top layer so as to have neutral buoyancy, and say what? the water just mixes in the vertical, even with no apparent vertical eddy viscosity or diffusivity, what looks for all intents and purposes like warm water sinking into colder water? we pass these results on the the model's developer, asking "do you see what we see, and what are we doing wrong". the response is that they are having similar issues with another application, and are looking at earlier versions of the code (translation: a bug got introduced somewhere along the way), and are interested in a prompt resolution because they are under deadlines as well.
so there you have it: a) i am not crazy, and 2) look for a new, improved version of efdc in the near future.

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