not sure which, don't care

cold and windy today - 22 °F, 18-25 mph from the west. after the slushfall saturday, and the deep freeze last night, i thought i would get killed on the way in today. actually, i thought i would drive the car on the way in, but there was a problem with the keys, and the finding, and the having a second set that isn't loaned out to my sister-in-law. so it's a good thing i like to ride my bike.
i really do like to ride my bike.
saturday when it was still raining i rode out to dexter, because i had been thinknig about riding just for fun and exercise all week, because it had been so mild and i've been kinda flabby. so i rode my 18 miles and it was mellow (well, mellow in a soaking wet gritty kind of way). and yesterday i cleaned the chain and put on some more of that gross "tenacious oil", which i think is a pretty good wet-weather chain lube but smells like something the cat would either eat, or excrete. but this morning i was looking forward to driving, or at least placidly anticipating driving, when i started looking for the keys and...well, let's not go there.
actually it's quite sunny and while the ice was completely treacherous in my neighborhood, things weren't all that bad in town and the part of south state, by the airport, where i expected the blowing snow across the road to be deadly, was fairly clear. so here i am. gotta dig into some model codes today, partly the light extinction formulations but also really the whole damned thing, contemplating porting the entire lake pepin model from the existing framework to the public domain versions of ECOMSED and RCA. stay tuned for interesting discussion of unformatted binary output and pictures of velocity vectors waving in space.
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