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wind and rain and warmth and mergansers this morning. tomorrow is a "work day" at the vélodrome: we do miscellaneous tasks in preparation for next month's opening, then WE RIDE! i'm hoping the rain clears up in time so i can get a little riding in before i have to split, which will be early because of family needs. but i really want to get more riding in this year, i mean a lot more.
parents' corner:
should an eleven-year-old boy be allowed to keep a song entitled "bitches aint shit" on his iPod? discuss among yourselves.
backstory: we all heard ben folds sing it at the michigan theater the other night. the boy's older brother downloaded it, his english teacher mom listened for research purposes (preliminary verdict: dr. dre gets his propers, but redeeming qualities are scarce here; perhaps it works as hyperbole). we believe that setting limits is a good thing, when done consistently. the line that has "bitches aint shit" on one side of it doesn't have to be drawn thin, or follow a particularly tortuous path. that's our opinion, anyway.
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